
1. Register your return
Click the button below to register your return. Select the items you wish to return and choose your preferred return method. You have 30 days to return your order. Different terms may apply to certain items; click here for more information.

2. Pack your items
Pack the items with the packaging slip (order form) in the original packaging and shipping box. Ensure that all returned products are in unused condition. Don’t forget to remove or cover the old shipping label.

3. Send your package
After registering your return and packing the items, you have 5 business days to take the package to the post office.

4. Refunding
Once the package has been delivered, you will receive an email confirmation from Returnista. The purchase amount will be refunded via the original payment method within 5 to 10 business days after your return is received.
Who covers my return costs?
How to return your items
Where do I return my parcel to?
How to trace your return parcel
Return policy
I did not receive my return label
My address has changed/
is incorrect on the return label
My item is a defect and I wish to return it back